Gareth Proskourine-Barnett
Camberwell College of Arts
Panel Chair: Architecture
Gareth Proskourine-Barnett is an illustrator, researcher, and educator. Since graduating with an MA in Communication Design from Central Saint Martins in 2011 he has worked on a range of self-initiated and commissioned projects, taken part in artist residencies, and delivered workshops internationally. Recent projects have been presented at the V&A’s Digital Futures Symposium at the Institute of Computing in London, at The New Art Gallery in Walsall, at the REFORM Design Biennale in Denmark, and at Plan8t in Changsha, China. Gareth is currently working towards a practice-based PhD at the Royal College of Art in the department of Critical and Historical Studies and is due to submit in March 2024. Gareth is a senior lecture on MA Illustration at Camberwell College of Arts and has previously taught at a number of universities across the UK including at Birmingham City University where he was Course Leader for BA Art and Design, and the Royal College of Art.